Deep Sleep Elixir
Sleep well tonight
Feel your best. Think clearly, make empowering choices, fit into your favourite jeans again, and have the energy to pursue your goals. Whatever it means for you to feel healthy, discover the healing power of nature's purest foods to nourish your body
The quality of our extracts and ingredients originates in the dark rich soil of the organic farms and wild places we source from. They say it takes a whole village to raise a child. To grow good food takes a whole ecosystem. We love that we know whose gentle hands planted the seeds and gathered the harvest
It is our wish that the soil (soul) of a place is made richer through gentle regenerative methods of tending land, and that with a shared appreciation for delicious, healthy food we may revitalise ourselves and the land which sustains us
Finding real food grown by salt-of-the-earth types, 4th generation bee-keepers or wise, wild-harvesters is like discovering priceless jewels. Our sourcing policies aren't policies at all; they are our heart-felt commitments to honour the land, water and livelihoods of everyone we work with
If you love what we offer, we've a playful way of saying "Thank You"
Collect 'Gemstones' as you shop with us. When you're ready, simply redeem your gems for a discount on your next order. You can gather extra gems for reviews, following us on social media and refering friends
Fall in love with the bounty of nature and nourish your body deeply
Did you know extreme ironing was a thing? Neither did we until recently. We believe superfoods shouldn't stay at home. Maybe in the same way others think ironing is best done at altitude. We'd love to see where our jars of goodness go & where your new-found vitality leads you. Tag your selfies and product pics #ilovenavi and you'll see our favourites on @naviorganics