Abeytu' Naturals 3xDaily Maintenance Balm + 2xLysine Balm
Receive 3 daily maintenance lip balms and 2 lysine lip balms all in one kit. Live free from anxiety and discomfort. Isolate-infused micronutrients are designed to give you confidence knowing you don’t have to hide from the sun or be afraid of stress-induced eruptions.
This product is for people who want a topical solution. This product purchase contains 3 daily maintenance balms and 2 lysine balms. The balms are safe for daily use as often as you like. The lysine stick is formulated with slightly more Isolate and other ingredients to effectively address discomfort. While these are fantastic to keep around, we suggest pairing with our signature CV Well Immune Booster to assist with micronutrient deficiencies. This product will come in our Abeytu´ Naturals burlap carry sac and is perfect and colourless for all ages.
Use either Balm as often as desired for daily maintenance and rescue.