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The Power of Food

The Power of Food

"Every moment, a voice, out of this world, calls on our soul, to wake up and rise" ~ Rumi

Constant stimulation is exhausting. Our nervous systems need downtime - soft light, a warm bath, peace, quiet and stillness. Making time to really nourish yourself means so much more than collapsing in front of the telly. Hanging the washing out barefoot, free-ing your hands from the keyboard to make art, picking blackberries, listening to the way the wind moves through the trees instead of another podcast...

In our busy lives, with the world burning, discovering tiny ways to bring calm nourishes the soul & propels us forward. Fear, horror, concern and worry are powerful suppressors of joy, creativity and growth. Peace doesn't exist on either side of an argument. Finding solid ground to stand on means cutting out the noise, evolving out of the unhealthy habits we've become familiar with & being accountable for the changes we wish to make.


Why is good food so important?

And, why is so much food now laden with chemicals, hormones and preservatives? Control the food, control the people. It takes willpower, tenacity and faith to stand up against the programming of what we are told is good and evil in modern society

Scarcity and malnourishment are huge stressors. Feeling exhausted and worried whilst being subtly poisoned by pesticide residues doesn't leave us with much energy to question or discern what we really need & why things are the way they are

Good food doesn't just get us through each day - it opens up a world of possibilities. When we're nourished it's natural to extend ourselves to help others, find creative solutions, pursue our dreams, argue less & see when we're being sold lies

Add a touch of fluoride to the drinking water, encourage convenience foods by making them the cheapest, pinch farmers at every possible turn, devalue food, push pills and and Voila! Sadly, the beauty of the human spirit is being subjugated and dumbed down resulting in a depleted, overwhelmed and compliant flock serving a destructive system

Acts of Kindness

Revolutionary acts aren't always about overthrowing a controlling system, but deciding to eat well, nourish the soul, get strong and carry those around us. Slaves exist in isolation, people live in communities and communities are nourished by a good harvest of clean food, clean water and the peace that comes from those basic necessities being met


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